In September 2020 Mid Antrim Motor Club sadly lost one of our most esteemed members Bobby Smyth. Bobby was a lifetime member and stalwart of the club for over 70 years. Throughout these years Bobby was instrumental in the growth and success of MAMC, holding roles both as Club President and Chairman.
During 2021 club members discussed how we could best remember the legacy of Bobby. The decision was taken to retire the Sandy Spence Trophy and replace with the new Bobby Smyth Memorial Cup from our 76th Annual General Meeting in November 2021. This Trophy will be presented annually to the Club Member who makes a significant contribution over the year and passionately strives to promote the Mid Antrim Motor Club.
Bobby Smyth receiving the Sandy Spence Trophy from Club President Henry Campbell in 2016.
Sammy Bones
"My first memories of Bobby are probably 55 to 60 years ago when I saw a photo in the local paper of a group of people in Bobby’s house at Galgorm and they were organising a car rally. I then joined the club in 1969 and Bobby with Andy Watt, Tom Steel, Wilfred Dickey, Malcolm Templeton and Harold Crooks were some of the main men in the club at that time. I enjoyed many conversations with Bobby over the years about his early years in the club, but one that sticks with me is about the Mid Antrim 150. He recalls the story about the committee meeting at Ballymena bus station where they hired a bus for the day. They carried everything with them to organise the race at Rathkenny and when they got there, the bus was then used by the timekeepers for the event. When the racing was over, they all piled back into the bus for the return journey back to Ballymena. He also recalled that many of the competitors would have ridden their machines to the event, removed lights etc, competed in the race then ridden their machines back home again.
Bobby’s dedication to all aspects of our club was well known to all, be it on 2 or 4 wheels, he supported and assisted at all events. He was a judge for many years at the ‘150’ and was always in place at the line in case his opinion was required but as soon as racing was over, he would be out with his black rubbish bag tiding up around the circuit. He enjoyed the rallying events as well and travelled far and near with friends like Tommy Hutchinson to watch stages. He was never one for the limelight, but was always working away in the background assisting where necessary to ensure a successful event for his beloved motor club. At the Slemish trials he would have been the car park man organising the parking to ensure everybody got a spot.
In more recent years both the motor cycle sections regular monthly meeting and the car sections meeting always fell on the same night, the 2nd Tuesday of each month, but that didn’t deter Bobby, he would come to the motor cycle meeting first at 8pm in the Michelin club then leave about 9pm and drive to the Ross Park hotel for the car section meeting, such was the dedication of the man.
As his health started to fail and he could not longer drive Norman Gordon, another dedicated MAMC man would call for Bobby and drive him to the motor cycle section meetings so we could continue to benefit from Bobby’s experience and keep him involved in his beloved club.
Over all the years Bobby held many different positions within the club and had been a vice president for quite a number of years until his passing. He will be very sadly missed within the MAMC and within motorsport generally but the decision for the club to dedicate a trophy in his memory will ensure that Bobby’s legacy to the Mid Antrim Motor Club will live on"
Jim Crawford
2021 - Murray Armstrong
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